UBIREX is a small publishing house which specializes in historical publications.

In close co-operation with you, we publish your memoirs or your book about genealogy, family history, local history, company history etc.

Read more about the company and its founder.


Many writers are rejected because they do not have a literary agent, their target group is too small, or the book needs too much editing. To us, it is not important whether or not you know the difference between their and there, lay and lie. You do not have to write a bestseller. To us, it is important that you have the ability to tell a good story. From there we will help you to a high-quality product – no matter if your publication is a small booklet for friends and family members, or a book for a wider audience.

You do not need a literary agent before contacting us. We believe in the direct and personal approach.

UBIREX enables private persons, companies, associations and others to publish their own book. You have almost finished writing the text, you have found some pictures, but you might need help for the last step: editing, proofreading, layout, and printing.

This publishing house is different from others. We are not going to earn a huge profit on the sale of your book. You are. You pay for the work and sparring connected to the publishing. The rest of the profit is yours.

Our products

We help you with the publication, with quality control and communication. We publish your book and help you with the introductory marketing.

After this, it is up to you to sell and send your book to bookshops, libraries, private individuals, etc. This means that you will hold and manage your stock of books, and you maintain full control over your sale and your price. From the moment the book has been delivered to your address, the profit is yours.

UBIREX offers the complete package. The price depends on the volume of the book, the number of copies, quality, and colours.

Before we start working on your book, we set the price and sign a contract.

The work includes

  • Reading and editing
  • Coherence and structure
  • Help for fact checking
  • Proofreading
  • Layout
  • Delivery to printing house
  • ISBN-number and delivery to The Royal Library (if published in Denmark)
  • Press release about your book

Supplementary products (can be bought individually)

  • Translation Danish-English-Danish
  • Research and fact checking
  • Ghostwriting
  • Sale/delivery for libraries (in Denmark)
  • Sale/delivery for bookshops (in Denmark)
  • Layout and publication of e-book
  • Reprint

Naturally, you can also buy the complete process. If you have an idea for a certain subject, you can let us write and publish the entire book.


Østerlund 7
7400 Herning

Tel. +45 29 34 12 84
E-mail ubirex@live.dk

CVR 34537836

Charlotte Lindhardt

Charlotte Lindhardt


“I have always been fascinated by other people’s stories. Their memoirs create images and the sense of something bigger above our own lives. I studied history and semiotics because I wanted to communicate this: The big story hidden in the small. Your story. Your knowledge. Our history.”

Born 1972

1997: MA in history, specializing in local history and semiotics

1997-2013: Archive administrator, project coordinator, curator

2000- : Lecturer, event planner, book reviewer

2012- : Founder of the consulting company Konsulent Charlotte Lindhardt

2014- : Founder of the publising house UBIREX